Khayda bakado
"We are the stories we tell ourselves. The brave hero, the tortured soul, the altruist, the pragmatist. They will tell you who they see, but you and you alone know who you are."

Name: Khayda Bakado
Age: ~27
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 7'1
Khayda was born in a small village in the Fringes of Gyr Abania to Sagan and Azami Bakado, just as the Garlean Empire conquered Ala Mhigo, though the Fringes were far enough away as to not be affected immediately.The first few years of his life were normal, besides developing white streaks in his hair. When he turned 5, he began to have headaches accompanied by visions of past events. Most of the people in the village knew about it, and considered it odd.When he was 10, a vision helped catch a thief in the local market. It angered the man, who then went to the Empire and told them about Khayda's strange abilities. The Empire marched on the village and razed it looking for him. His parents told him to run away, and even though he wanted to stay and fight, he obeyed. He ran for days, until he finally reached a small outpost in Gridania. There, he met an aging man named Afyr, who decided to take Khayda into his care and train him.They moved around quite a bit, to keep Khayda hidden from the Empire and also to help others around the entirety of Eorzea, but their main residence was in Summerford near Limsa Lominsa. Khayda eventually decided to go his own way, and made his way to Limsa Lominsa seeking work, and met Y'shtola, kickstarting his path to learning about the Blessing of Light and the Echo, and taking up the mantle of Warrior of Light.
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her
Server: Primal (Lamia)
My name is Allison, or Alli for short (either is fine). I don't actually RP in ffxiv or anything, but I wanted to make this just as a little info thing for my WoL! I love talking about ffxiv, and about my WoL, so always feel free to ask questions and whatnot!